Summer Learning Journey

Kick Start 

Art Colouring Book: choose an image to colour.

Dig Deeper 
    • Upload your Art and a screenshot of the original and label each image.
    • Describe why you chose a different colour for one of the objects in the painting.
    • Watch: create your blog post.

Step It Up 

Art Colouring Book: choose an image to colour.
Use the Zoom Tool Look closely at the original image you chose to colour. What do you see?

Dig Deeper 

Maths: Multiplication

This week in Kererū we have been working on our multiplication.

We used the Sphero and a random number generator that was coded to help us do different multiplication problem.

Today we tried 5's and worked on our speed.

Check out the videos below


  1. Hi it’s me Ethan good work I think you have been trying your best good job kereru

  2. Hi is it sphero bolts? Today good multiplication you have there guys
    Question:can multiplication help your division?

    answer:yes from Ethan blog you later

  3. Wow! Can you solve this problem? 413x619=?

  4. 255’647 is the answer.
    From Jacob. Hint: I used Siri.


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