Summer Learning Journey

Kick Start 

Art Colouring Book: choose an image to colour.

Dig Deeper 
    • Upload your Art and a screenshot of the original and label each image.
    • Describe why you chose a different colour for one of the objects in the painting.
    • Watch: create your blog post.

Step It Up 

Art Colouring Book: choose an image to colour.
Use the Zoom Tool Look closely at the original image you chose to colour. What do you see?

Dig Deeper 

Jacob's worm farm

Inspired by his reading material of choice this week, "Make a mini worm farm", Jacob's "create" was to make his own at home. We used an L&P bottle, dig some dirt and worms from our garden and fed them some banana peel, broccoli stalk and carrot. We will collect the "worm wees" and bring them to school for Mr Robs garden. 


  1. Wow Jacob, you have worked hard to create your mini worm farm!I hope the worms like your food scraps. Mr Robb will appreciate your worm wees. We would love to see how much you collect. Thanks for sharing :)

  2. Hey there Jacob, It's Miss Morgan here. Wow this is so cool! I bet the garden will be very happy. How did you find the worms? Do they hide in a special place?

  3. Wow Jacob how long did it take it you?

    by Isaac

  4. Did you actually go and get them from your garden? I would of been to disgusted to even pick them up!

    by Isaac

  5. Hi honey I’m happy for your birthday honey honey thank goodness honey honey you are welcome honey love honey honey love y’all honey love honey hope you’re having fun with us


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