Summer Learning Journey

Kick Start 

Art Colouring Book: choose an image to colour.

Dig Deeper 
    • Upload your Art and a screenshot of the original and label each image.
    • Describe why you chose a different colour for one of the objects in the painting.
    • Watch: create your blog post.

Step It Up 

Art Colouring Book: choose an image to colour.
Use the Zoom Tool Look closely at the original image you chose to colour. What do you see?

Dig Deeper 

Archie's soap monsters

    we made soap monsters                                                                    ===================
                                                                                                                 SOAP MONSTERS
                                                                                                                HOW TO MAKE
1. buy soap(cheaper soap works better)
2.put in your microwave at the highest setting for a min and a half 
3.wait for it to cool down then paint
4.PRESTO here are mine each time it forms different types of it and you need to use your imagination to know what your character is (buy coloured soap if you don't want to paint it)
